At TellWell Translations, we’ve wrapped up an interesting year – thank you to all of you who have collaborated with us or otherwise shown interest in what we do! In this article, you can read a summary of what 2023 included and in what frame of mind we welcome the new year 2024.

New Language Pairs in Translation Service Portfolio

Thanks to several new members in TellWell Translations’ team, the language pairs Italian to Finnish and Finnish/English to Italian were added to our translation service offering this year. In addition, we can now provide interpretation services in these language pairs for business events and meetings. Throughout the year, we welcomed new professionals working with other language pairs to the team as well, and with Olli Julin‘s arrival, we now have more resources for the company’s sales and marketing functions. During the year, we also introduced Finnish to English and English to Finnish video subtitling as a specialized service.

Renewed Website with a Questions and Answers Page

TellWell Translations’ website was renewed during the autumn, and a new significant addition to the site is the Questions and Answers page, which aims to offer relevant information on our business and the industry in general. We keep updating the page, and you can contribute to the contents by sending insightful questions to!

Highlights of the Year: Translation Day and Subcontracting Trade Fair

Highlights of the year included attending and sponsoring the International Translation Day Seminar in Tampere, Finland, and participating the Subcontracting Trade Fair in Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre where we had a time-slot in Lempäälän Kehitys Oy’s booth to showcase TellWell Translations’ services. Artificial intelligence and its application in language services were recurring themes in many of the professional events I attended this year – there is so much to explore in this area!

Quality Texts in the Era of AI

Amidst the AI revolution, what is needed is willingness to experiment and readiness to adopt solutions that boost efficiency. Still, creating quality texts often means returning to basic elements that require input from human language professionals. One of the biggest questions to ask is this: Are the claims presented in the text true in relation to the world around us? To tackle this, the creators of the texts need to

  1. master the relevant (source and target) languages at a high level and harness the internal competencies in the team wisely
  2. be capable of conducting critical research independently and through a dialogue with the client
  3. systematically and comprehensively analyse the quality of the texts.

We at TellWell Translations will continue to keep these foundational elements of quality as the basis of our operations in 2024. We will do this so that we can be a safe and humane language service partner for our clients – and offer more than you might expect from a small business.

Wishing you a Happy New Year!

Paula Erkintalo

The author is the entrepreneur, the Project Coordinator and a Language Specialist at TellWell Translations.

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