Sanoin. Teoin. Ihmein. Hengen voimassa.
“With words, with deeds, with miracles, and with the strength from the Spirit”.
What a title for a first book translation!
Looking back, I think that this theological work by the Finland-Swedish pastor Jonas Ahlsved (2010) was the fresh wind that I, Paula, was longing for in my professional life – a kind of an inspiration or blessing, defining my entrepreneurial life and career path.
Today, TellWell Translations is much more than a one-person business – read on to discover who we are as a team of more than 40 specialists, who we help and how we want to serve businesses from different sectors!
Journey Highlights
2011: TellWell Translations is established. Early projects include, in addition to book translations, business communication texts in the field of welding technology.
2013: With the first foreign translation agency clients the business becomes more international, with an abundance of work ranging from website content to newsletters and from manuals to subtitles. Consumer electronics, steel, clothing and shoes are the most prominent fields. Marketing texts are the majority in terms of genre.
2016: The first team members. The draft of a collaboration agreement is finalised at Wayne’s Coffee in Tampere, Finland, and the team-based approach is taking off. The range of services is growing as the new target languages, English, Swedish, German, and French, are added to the service offering for direct business clients.
2023: The selection of target languages now includes also Spanish, Russian, Italian and Icelandic. Olli Julin, B.A., joins the team as a strategic member and to develop TellWell Translations’ key functions. The year is marked with an Ahlsvedian undertone: an anticipation of words, deeds, miracles, and strength.
Founded in 2011, TellWell Translations is a multilingual team of more than 60 professionals, who masters of a wide range of text genres.
The entrepreneur, Paula Erkintalo, is a member of the Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters, Nordic Editors and Translators, Suomen Yrittäjät (Federation of Finnish Enterprises), and Mothers in Business.
The team members are professional translators, writers and subject matter experts who have built their careers from philology, translation or other educational backgrounds. Most have been “found close” through a network of colleagues, recommendations or under the umbrella of the Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters.
TellWell Translations’ clients include businesses, publishing houses, translation agencies of all sizes and advertising agencies in Europe and the United States. Businesses of different sizes have varying communication needs and resources. We’re just as familiar with the multi-step writing projects of a global mobile device brand as we are with the translation of website texts for a small one-person business. We treat every text with the same ambition and appreciate the trust you have placed in us!
TellWell Translations upholds the following values:
- Responsibility in matching assignments and specialists
- Curiosity about the client’s world and terminology
- Commitment to achieving the best results
- Respectful and supportive working relationships between the team
TellWell Translations aims to create growth-generating connections between people.
We do this by providing high-quality content in different languages to help companies break into new markets.
As a team, we deliver this mission of connection by bringing together specialists from different educational backgrounds, enabling them to use and deepen their core competencies in client projects but also to break new ground.
Growing in unexpected directions, listening to the pulse of the modern world.
Contact Information
TellWell Translations
Manttaalitie 15 B
37500 Lempäälä, Finland

Paula Erkintalo
Entrepreneur, Project Coordinator & Language Specialist

Olli Julin

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